Sponsor Student Research

Information and benefits for becoming a research sponsor.

  • Research sponsorship will be recognized by Missouri S&T and the Center for Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP).
  • Provide valuable research experience to students (ERP Students in Research).
  • Research sponsorship is tax-deductible.
  • Tailored to fit the needs of a specific company or a sponsor (Company-sponsored research project in actioncompleted projects).
  • Provide opportunities for the sponsoring company or the sponsor to identify and/or recruit talented candidates.

You can make a difference by sponsoring student research! 

To become a research sponsor, please fill out and return the ERP Research Sponsorship form to Dr. Bih-Ru Lea (leabi@mst.edu or erp@mst.edu) or fax the form to 573-341-4812. 

Sponsorships, Scholarships, and Fellowships

The following opportunities are available to current students at Missouri S&T.


Learn more about the various opportunities for assistantship.

Graduate Research Assistantship

In order to be eligible for this opportunity, you must be a thesis optioned graduate student with ERP emphasis.

Opportunity for Undergraduate Research (OURE)

Undergraduate students who are interested in research may contact an ERP faculty member for details. You may also view prior OURE projects.

Student Assistants

Positions, availability, and qualifications vary by semester. Contact Dr. Bih-Ru Lea for details.

Center for ERP Assistants (2014-2015)

We are grateful to ConocoPhilips for sponsoring our past ERP Assistants.

Competition Sponsors

ERP SAP Simulation Competition

We would like to thank the follow companies for sponsoring the ERP SAP Simualtion Competitions:

Sponsors Page: Simulation Competition

Past Opportunities

Avnet logo with red-striped graphic and bold black text

2014 SAP HANA Race Competition  (Recipients)‌

Objective: To encourage students to explore in-memory computation for Big Data Visualization through participation of the 2014 SAP rFactor HANA Race Competition
Eligibility: Must be a participant of a 6 student HANA Race Team
Description: $2,700 for up to 3 student on a 6 student team

2014 SAP HANA Race Competition  (Recipients)‌

Objective: To encourage students to explore in-memory computation for Big Data Visualization through participation of the 2014 SAP rFactor HANA Race Competition
Eligibility: Must be a participant of a 6 student HANA Race Team
Description: $900 for up to 1 student on a 6 student team

Peabody Logo

Peabody Scholarship/Fellowship (Recipients)

The scholarship/fellowship recipients will conduct a research project that would benefit Peabody Energy. There are two awards per year at $1,000 per award. The project(s) are supervised by ERP faculty members and may work with the Peabody team. Scholarship/Fellowship recipients will deliver project reports and presentations during the project period and upon project completion.

Objective: To encourage research in the field of Enterprise Resource Planning
Eligibility: Students must be enrolled in an Enterprise Resource Planning minor or emphasis

Conoco Phillips Scholarship (Recipients)‌

Objective: To encourage students to pursue specialization in Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

  • Academic performance above the 3.0 GPA level
  • Students who intend to pursue specialization in ERP (e.g., ERP minor, Graduate Certificate in ERP, BI, SCM, SAP Certificate of Excellence)
  • Women and minority are strongly encouraged to apply

Description: $900 award for academic year 2014-2015