We would like to thank the follow companies for sponsoring the ERP SAP Simualtion Competitions (past winning teams and their sponsors):
- 2018: Deloitte SAP, Peabody Energy, RMS US LLP, Union Pacific , Walmart, and more to be announced (details)
- 2017: Cargill, Centene, Deloitte SAP, Investment Realty, Monsanto, Nextep Technology Solutions, Novus International, Peabody Energy, RMS US LLP, Union Pacific (details)
- 2016: Deloitte SAP, Monsanto, Nextep Technology Solutions, Novus International, Peabody Energy, Phelps County Bank, RMS US LLP, The Missouri Research and Education Network (MOREnet), Union Pacific (details)
- 2015: Campus Perk, Deloitte, Eastman, Emerson, Peabody Energy, Junction solutions, ConcoPhillips, Novus International. (details)
- 2014: Union Pacific, Junction Solutions, Monsanto, Nextep Technology Solutions (details)
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