Our Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) program works with a company/organization to develop a curriculum geared directly to its specific approach to IT strategy, to address its key business issues central to successful ERP implementation, and to set out a plan to rapidly drive new learning across the organization.
The use of technology-based learning tools in the program will enable a company/organization to extend and deepen the learning, to embrace the IT strategy, and to focus fully on successful ERP execution. The powerful combination of research-based expertise and real-time application will accelerate learning and dissemination of consistent practices within the software implementation, enabling executives and employees to have a common understanding of strategy, to approach issues with the same structured process, and to communicate using the same vocabulary.
These courses may also be hosted within an organization. If your organization is interested in scheduling a customized executive education in your area, please email dce@mst.edu and erp@mst.edu for more information.
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